Friday 30 May, 2014
Anyone else read Dr. Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages or one of the spin-off versions?
I can’t tell you how many times this information has helped me in all sorts of relationships.
For parents, I particularly recommend The 5 Love Languages of Children and The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers. These have been instrumental in teaching me how my own children give and receive love. For more valuable resources, see
As an author, it doesn’t get much better than being asked to have an interview with an writer whose work has been so influential in my life!
Recently, I had the honor and privilege of being a guest on Dr. Gary Chapman’s radio show, Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman.
What a joy it was to speak with him and personally share how much his writing has meant to me! And, what a thrill to hear how much he appreciates my book!
Gonna be in the car a while, doing laundry, or working out?
Click here to listen online if you want encouragement, ideas, and practical help for learning how to parent with Scripture. You’ll even get to practice by putting yourself in the shoes of another parent as I challenge you to think through what you would do and teach the easy steps to parenting with Scripture.
PS – This time, please disregard my “That’s a great question!” introductions to each answer! I need to get a new stalling technique while trying to think quickly what to say! Suggestions welcome! 🙂

Monday 26 May, 2014
I thought I’d touch on some oldies, but goodies today and also let you know what to look forward to!
Happy Memorial Day! For those with older children/teens, you might find it interesting to read and discuss the poignant true story I mentioned in this Memorial Day blog from last year.
If you have plans to go on vacation or have a staycation, don’t forget about Vacationing with Scripture and that the memories and teachable moments it creates are more valuable than any souvenir you could bring home!
Many of you are newer subscribers and didn’t see my Summer Fun Series from 2012.
Scroll through to see ideas for:
*Media with Scripture
*Good Deeds Day
*Playing with Scripture
*Praying with Scripture
*Cooking & Snacking with Scripture
*Singing with Scripture
Stay tuned! This Texas born and bred blogger can’t go any longer without sharing some thoughts and ideas through my upcoming Southern Hospitality Series. I’ll try to stay off my high horse! 🙂
And, don’t forget to keep an eye out for those teachable moments that pop up!
Keep your copy of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments handy.
Do you have a favorite way to “play” with Scripture? Please share in comment section!
Monday 19 May, 2014
Making your family plans for summer? Swimming, vacation, camp…?
Consider being intentional about parenting with Scripture and incorporating a special plan during these off-school months. Summer is a great time to shake things up and try something new with family devotionals.
These are some resources that we have had fun with through those hot months
(and other times) as my kids have grown.
Browse through and see if any catch your interest!
Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments as a topical devotional guide –
All ages
My ABC Bible Verses has excellent verse related stories, but you can also Google or check Pinterest for something like “ABC Bible verses” and come up with free lists. Discuss, meditate, and memorize (if you are ready for a challenge) 2-3 verses a week and you’ll cover the summer! Or, spread it out making it a multi-year summer plan.
Preschool – Elementary
20 Bible Verses Every Child Should Know (with cd) – Looks like this one is out of print, but you can still find used copies. This will always be the “sound of summer ’09” for us!
Preschool – Elementary
God’s Names – This is a wonderful overview of God’s names. I’ve even learned a few things!
All ages
Walk through what Bible Study looks like with your child. Kay Arthur has a number of Bible Studies written for kids. We have enjoyed starting Boy, Have I Got Problems! James and hope to finish up this summer.
Older Elementary – Middle School
You might also find some resource ideas from my blog earlier this year about family devotions.
All ages
Or, you may enjoy sprinkling these creative ideas throughout your summer as ways of incorporating Scripture-
Scroll down through these Summer Fun Ideas.
All Ages
It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.
Psalm 74:17
What’s your plan?
Monday 12 May, 2014
Toddler Kalli looked at me sternly and yelled, “Go away!” complete with shoving motions.
Oh my! Wherever did she learn that?! I soon found out. It was from her daddy and a Bible story!
That evening, I overheard Tim telling her a bedtime Bible story from The Story of Jesus I was so proud to hear how he had turned that little picture book into an interactive experience for her…until I heard them yelling in unison, “Go away!”
They had come to the part of the story where children were coming to Jesus. The book says that His friends said, “Go away” and they had been really getting into the part!

Ha, it took a simple correction of just reminding Kalli that we don’t talk that way to other people.
But, my take-away was the value of turning a simple preschool Bible story into an active learning time!
Here’s how Tim did it.
- Motions and preschool words for The Story of Jesus:
(Suggestions are page by page)*Hug yourself to show how much Jesus loves us.
*Pat the nativity picture and say “Happy Birthday, Jesus!”
*Walk in place going to church for Easter.
*Point and count the 12 disciples.
*Pat someone and say “Jesus loves you!”
*Say, “Go away!” and make shewing motions (if you dare!)
*Say, “Come on!” and make “come here” motions with your hands.
*Pat boy in picture and say, “Feel better!”
*Rub tummy like hungry. Count rolls and fish in picture.
*Say, “Here ya’ go!” and pretend to share with your hands.
*Make praying hands.
*Read the words and encourage your preschooler to repeat along as well. This is based on 1 John 4:19. With repetition of this book your little one will have learned this Bible verse!
We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:13-14
For more ideas on bringing Scripture into the everydayness of every day,
see your copy of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.
Monday 5 May, 2014
As I am ever battling perfectionism, I was almost giddy when I heard my wise friend, Laura Zych, use a much improved version of “Practice makes perfect!” It makes SO much more sense to say, “Practice makes better!” She has no idea where she first heard it and it makes me wonder why it’s not more common of a saying.
Let’s start a new trend, folks!
Let’s banish the notion of “perfect” and embrace “better” as the greater thing!
Y’all with me?!
It’s helpful for me to remember that God does NOT say, “So whatever you do, do it perfectly.”
He says,
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
For more on the topic of Perfection, refer to your copy of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.
Click here to see the rest of the “What my kids hear a lot!” Series

PS – Even as I’m proofing this post, the perfectionist in me is itching to make my humble attempt at the image more perfect. But, guess what? I’m gonna’ let it go! 🙂