Kalli picked our theme verse for this year and it’s always interesting to see the way God uses His Word as we vacation with Scripture.
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10
When, may I ask, do kids quit arguing over where they are going sit in the car?! Our verse was put to use from the get-go as they verbally battled about who got the larger middle section versus the smaller back section of the SUV. We had just put our verse card on the dashboard, so after a quick reminder, they finally worked things out.
On to our hotel room in New Orleans with its two double beds. Tim and I are used to a King, and the verse popped into my mind that first night when I awoke clinging to the edge of the smaller bed. He wouldn’t have been upset had I shoved him back over to his side. However, I realized that letting him continue to sleep uninterrupted would be a way to honor him above myself.
The most amazing chance we had to use this verse came as the kids and I were walking down Canal Street one morning. We passed by a young woman, maybe in her early 20s, who was sitting and holding a bowl for money and a sign that said “Pregnant and Homeless. God Bless.” My daughter asked if we could give her some money. I told her that I only had a $10 bill with me and that we might need it while we were out. As we headed back to our hotel later that morning, we were hot and ready to give our legs a rest after walking everywhere around town. The kids had seen bicycle cabs and wanted to ride one. We realized this would be a perfect time to catch one since the sun was blazing and we were worn out. We weren’t sure $10 would be enough payment to get us to our destination, but I said we could ask. Just then, we passed by the young lady again. Once more, my daughter quietly petitioned to share our money with her. After we were out of earshot, we stopped and I gave the kids a choice. We only had $10. We could give it to her or we could use it for the bicycle cab. They both chose to give it to her! I watched as my daughter ran the money back to her. The gal looked amazed and somewhat bewildered at this child giving her money. Then, she looked around to see who my daughter was with. When she caught my eye, I gave her a thumbs up to let her know we wanted her to have it. My heart still aches to remember the touched and grateful look on her face. If my kids hadn’t been with me, I would have loved to have sat down with her to find out more about her and to give her a hug and some encouragement. But as my children and I walked on, I told them how proud I was of them for their living example of our vacation verse. They were sacrificially loving and honoring someone else, a stranger no less, above themselves. Lest you think this is a picture perfect example, I hasten to tell you that one of my children continued to complain about the heat and walking even after our wonderful “lesson.” Since I was feeling the same things this child was verbalizing, I reminded all of us to lift that lady up in prayer instead of grumbling or complaining. Our temporary discomfort on that walk was nothing compared to being homeless!
I’d love to hear your vacationing with Scripture choices and stories! Please share!
Now, I’d like to give a special shout-out to a couple of the moms I met at our hotel in New Orleans. Mrs. Patterson, please remind me of your first name and e-mail me if you have the old copy of my book. If so, I’ll mail you the updated version. It was a joy meeting you! Wish Kentucky were closer so I could come speak! MOPS are my fave!
And, dearie Kristen Thatcher…God is amazing in orchestrating our poolside connection, isn’t He? So thankful for the fast friendship you and I and our kiddos made, and look forward to staying in touch! Blessings to your sweet family!