Tuesday 30 October, 2012
My apologies for those of you on my e-mail subscription who received 16 copies of the last post! We are obviously still working out a kinks in the new website. You should get two of this post…sorry again! Hopefully by sometime next week, the issue will be worked out so that you only get one of each. I’ll wait until then to get back to the normal routine of Monday posting.
Oh, the blessings and curses of technology!
Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Monday 29 October, 2012
Trying again! Everything is up and running correctly now and those of you signed up for my e-mail subscription feed should actually get this one!
I’m thrilled to finally announce the launch of my new professionally designed and customized website!
Feel free to head on over and browse around. In addition to the content that was on the old site, you’ll see a video where I explain what teachable moments are as well as one where I walk you through a sample topic. Also, don’t forget about the Downloads section. It’s all free and much better organized in this new website format. If your church, MOPS group, etc. is looking for a speaker, check out my Speaking section. And as always, the best way to keep being encouraged to parent with Scripture on a regular basis is to sign up by e-mail for my weekly blog updates.

Monday 1 October, 2012
“What other time do friends, neighbors, and strangers knock on your door and ask for a treat?!” I wish I could remember who I heard say that years ago because I would thank him or her for the impression it made on me. My family makes the most of this opportunity by having tracts available to give out with the candy. American Tract Society www.atstracts.org has a number of child-friendly tracts available for ordering. I’m about to order ours so we’ll have them in plenty of time before Halloween.
Because we are out trick-or-treating with our own children on Halloween night, we are not at home to pass out the treats. So, every year we decorate a brown grocery bag, fill it with candy and tracts, and leave it on the porch along with a note instructing the trick or treaters to only take 2-3 things. Who knows whether or not they all abide by that rule, but we figure whoever gets the tracts are the ones meant to have them. My kids love prepping the bag and then together we pray over the bag that God would use the tracts to help the recipients learn more about Him and salvation through Christ Jesus.
Here’s what ours and some of our friends’ looked like from a couple different years…