Monday 30 January, 2012
Confession: I am a Children’s Bible Junkie!
I have collected just about every children’s Bible there is on the market and we’ve enjoyed using them at different phases for the kids. I love the age-appropriateness of wording and length that comes with them, bringing specially selected Bible stories to life. That being said, there’s nothing like a child having his very own chapter and verse Bible.
Thing to consider when picking out a chapter & verse Bible:
*Think about whether your child is old enough to responsibly care for a “real” Bible. When we bought ours, I knew my daughter was old enough, but not sure about my son. So, I kept the Bible highlighters in my room so he wouldn’t be tempted to do any unsupervised “coloring!”
*Choose a version from which you would like him/her to memorize. I made the mistake initially of buying an “easier to read” children’s chapter/verse Bible. But, I quickly realized this wouldn’t work because it wasn’t the version I wanted them to memorize. So when we went to underline verses in my daughter’s Bible, the wording didn’t match. Too confusing for an early reader…or any reader for that matter!
*Choose a version that is visually appealing to the child. I researched online ahead of time and then gave my children a couple of choices that would fit my parameters.
*Buy from bookstore or online site that offers free engraving with the child’s name. Keep an eye out for sales!
*Consider waiting to give the Bible to the child for a special occasion, such as Christmas or birthday. If neither of those are near and you aren’t wanting to wait, make a celebration out of the Bible presentation day in some other meaningful way.
Stay tuned for more tips on how to help make your child’s own Bible come alive for him or her!
These are the Bibles that my kids picked out and love: Zondervan’s NIV Adventure Bible.

Thursday 26 January, 2012
I have a thoroughly new appreciation for that song now that I’ve read The Story of the Trapp Family Singers. Though the movie Hollywoodized (I’m pretending that’s a word) some of “The Sound of Music,” I was surprised to see how true they stayed to the real story. But there’s so much more! If you have any love at all for the movie, I think you would enjoy this book. The real Maria is a hoot and her personality comes through her writing, making the saga of her life seem more like fiction than reality! What touched me most is the way she parented their children with Scripture and truly gave Glory to God at every turn.

Saturday 21 January, 2012
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. ” 1 Samuel 16:7b
This idea comes from the topic “Beauty” in Parenting with Scripture. The children draw pictures of themselves and writes ways they are internally beautiful on the inside. Then, discuss attitudes or actions that need a “make-over.” (I had to explain the concept of a make-over to my kids.) The children write these on strips of paper and attach them to their hands. Pray together that God will help the children with their internal make-overs. Post the pictures on the fridge as reminders.

This has been a blessing for us because the children were the ones to come up with the areas they needed to work on. So, instead of me badgering them about “kumplaning” or “timper towrd brother,” I could just point to the fridge or gently remind them of the make-over.
Tuesday 10 January, 2012
Anyone have Christmas cards still floating around the house? We’ve enjoyed using ours during our family prayer times in the evenings this month. If your kids are like mine, they tend to get in a rut and pray for the same people and things. This idea has brought a much needed freshness as we each draw from the pile of cards each night and pray for the people represented by the cards.

Saturday 7 January, 2012
Most adults know this technique for dealing with anger, so I was curious to find out during our weekend family devotion on the topic “Anger” from Parenting With Scripture, if my kids were familiar with it. They weren’t! So, we had a fun time role-playing scenarios that are common to our household that arouse anger and practicing the “take a deep breath and count to 10” method. It was also a great opportunity for the kids to see that we never outgrow God’s word. Mom and Dad also have to remember that “a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1. Taking a deep breath and counting to ten is a great practical way to help turn that harsh answer into a gentle answer!
Tuesday 3 January, 2012
Got your attention, didn’t I? No, we’re not going crazy here at the Durbin household! Those are just the topics we’re starting with as we tackle Parenting with Scripture topically this year. Because the New Testament readings I recently blogged about are only five days a week, we decided that each weekend would be a perfect time to focus on a different topic from Parenting with Scripture. The week days in between will allow us time to positively apply God’s word. Stay tuned for highlights!

Monday 2 January, 2012
Happy New Year!
Each new year my husband and I take time to evaluate the spiritual goals of our family and what we want to try to accomplish as we head forth into the coming twelve months. This year was easy! Our church has embarked on a plan to read through the New Testament in a year. Our Children’s Director has encouraged us to either read aloud or help our children keep up with the reading so that everyone, young and old, will be engaged in this worthwhile process. Though we have gone through just about every “children’s Bible story book” out there with our kids and have obviously read select verses or passages from the Bible, we’ve never taken upon such a challenge as to read straight through. I’ve always been wistful of the days gone by when Papa would gather the children around the hearth and read God’s Word, straight from the Good Book. So why has it never occurred to me that we could still do that? Who knows?! I guess it’s just that sometimes the most obvious things don’t occur to us until they hit us in the face! Such was this year with the reading plan! As our children’s director said, speaking of her first grade son, “How cool will it be that he, at eight years old, will be able to say that he’s heard the whole New Testament by the end of the year!” Her intention was not that this would be a point of bragging. Rather, that the Bible will have become accessible to him in a way that is not as often the case for our youngsters these days. I remember as a college student, how daunting it seemed when I started reading the Bible through for the first time. My hope for our children is that whenever they decide to take that challenge upon themselves, they will be more confident because of this year’s experience. For now, we’re excited to see what fruitfulness God’s brings through the reading and hearing of His word through our NT2012 plan!
If you would like jump on in personally or with your family, check out This details the NT read through we are doing, but the site offers many other reading plans and multiple ways to customize them.
Happy Reading!