Archive for the ‘Responsibility’ Category.

Parenting with Scripture Teachable Moment – Responsibility/Trust

A friend recently shared this teachable moment example with me…Parenting with Scripture in action!

The big kids were playing with a marble run that was not safe to have out when the baby was up, so I asked them to race one more time and then put all the marbles away.  I then left the room to go change the toddler and when I got back they had not stopped playing with the marbles.  My daughter tried to put the blame on her brother. I wanted to find some verses to show them the importance of being responsible to do what I trusted them to do and taking responsibility for your actions.  I found several appropriate verses under “responsibility” and “trust” (in Parenting with Scripture).  I asked them to look up and copy those verses and then to write why they thought I picked those verses for them.   It led to a good discussion about being faithful in the small things in order to be trusted with greater responsibilities later. (Like driving the car someday!)  We also talked about the fact that Adam’s response to God was true (Eve had given him the fruit), but it was not the appropriate response (taking responsibility for his own choice).  I think showing them these things from God’s word made a much better impact than another lecture from mom!

As we head through 2013, let’s ask God to give us eyes to see teachable moments and thank Him for giving us His Word to help us make the most of them!

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.  
Luke 16:10

Marble Works

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