This New Year, how are you going to start your day as Mom or Dad?

2014 has been a year of conviction and changes for me as a parent.

As my kids get older, I am growing ever more conscious of the example I am setting for them, particularly in the area of my phone.   I’m not just talking about while driving, during dinner or family time, or while helping them with homework.  Those are all real concerns for sure.

However, what hit me the hardest was how my cell phone was negatively impacting the start of my day.
How easy it is to turn off the alarm on my phone and start checking e-mail and Facebook.

Before I knew it, I was running late for my day and in a grumpy mood because of all the things that had bombarded me before I even got out of bed! 

Anyone with me?

I had always used the excuse of not being a morning person to put off my devotional time until later in the day.  Yet, here I was, regularly devoting a good 15 minutes to a small rectangular metal box.
And we mock those days-of-old idol worshippers!


When discussing electronic limits for our kids, a friend of mine shared that they have a non-electronic rule for the first hour they are awake.  What a wise pattern to establish that will serve her children well both now and later!

It was important for her to explain to them (and sometimes still remind them), that the reason for this family guideline isn’t that she’s just a “mean” mom restricting their fun!  Rather, it’s to help them remember the principle of

This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Hmmmm…we just read the words “rejoice” and “glad,” didn’t we? 
Sounds like fun to me…And it is!
Starting the day out with God’s Word and talking with Him is uplifting, encouraging, empowering, and a blessing….pretty much everything my previous routine of e-mail and Facebook is NOT!

So, fellow parents, as we think about this coming year, let’s consider how our daily patterns are impacting our lives and our children’s.   For me, that means more of putting down the iPhone after turning off the alarm and picking up my Bible.  

How about you?

A resource that has greatly helped my OCD self is Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!   Anyone else feel like the author had you in mind with that subtitle?  I enjoyed taking my time on this book, only reading a chapter a week.  That helped the principles soak in and give me time to practice before moving on.

Disclaimer:  Since this goes to such a broad audience and many of y’all don’t know me personally, I feel it’s important to add a couple of points.  While I share what I regularly strive for, I am not legalistic about any of this.  Some days I have to check my e-mail first thing.  Some days (and pretty much every Saturday morning) the tv comes on first thing for the kids.  Some days I enjoy putting off my time with Lord because I know I have a great window of time later in the day.  Some days I regretfully don’t make time for the Lord.  You get the idea.  Life happens.  This blog is always supposed to be non-guilt and non-ritualism inducing from an imperfect parent (me!) who enjoys sharing what she’s learned with others (you!) in hopes that it helps in some way!  To God be the glory if it does!


Looking for a new way to get in the Word with your kids this year?
Or, want a way to pray for your kids about specific issues using God’s Word?
Consider Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments  as a topical family devotional guide or topical parenting prayer guide.

Monday 29 December, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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“Reflecting on Christmas Memories” – Including one of mine on Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast

This Christmas, Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast aired a compilation of Christmas memories from different folks who have been in their studio throughout the year…including yours truly! 

Click here for a link to hear the broadcast (Part 1 of “Reflecting on Christmas Memories”).

Click here for a link to read a blog I wrote on the same subject.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!




Saturday 27 December, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Want to add a little DRAMA to your Christmas celebration?

My mom had the gift of making every family gathering special.  When my older nieces and nephew were little, she had them act out the Christmas Bible story!

And look who got to be the donkey!  Yes, that would be the teenaged version of me!

Making Luke 2 come alive!
Christmas 1993
Christmas Nativity Play

No prep or costumes necessary, but the costumes did add to the fun!
(Simple instructions are further down, if interested)

Mom had a set of these that she used over and over with her 3rd grade Sunday School class and 4 year old preschool choir.  You can imagine how many Bible stories those costumes jazzed up!  She taught both of those classes for over 50 years, by the way!  I love thinking about all the children that were blessed by her amazing gift of serving the Lord through her passion of teaching kids about Him!

Depending on how many kids you have, you could go all out with shepherds, angels, etc or just stick to Mary and Joseph and use a baby doll for Jesus.  Adults and teens can have fun filling in where needed.

Tell the story or read it from the Bible while the kids are acting it out.  You may even want to throw in a Christmas Carol or two for the whole group to sing.  No need to complicate the script or feel like it has to be an all out pageant!

Keep it simple and have fun! 

Bible Costume Instructions:
Tunics:  Strips of cloth with holes cut for the head.
Head coverings:  Scarves or cut material held on with stretchy rings of cut pantyhose legs.
Sashes:  Cloth belts, strips of cloth, or scarves.

Are you inspired to create a little drama at your Christmas gathering this year?

Monday 22 December, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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My “Making the Most of Teachable Moments” made list of Top 2014 Focus on the Family Broadcasts!

I’m thrilled to share that my February interview with Jim Daly on Focus on the Family’s Daily Broadcast made their list of Top 2014 Programs!

It’s entitled, “Making the Most of Teachable Moments” and is rebroadcasting TODAY.   You can find your local station information here to listen live.

You can also stream it FREE (for a month) from this link click here.

My trip to Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs for this interview will remain one of the highlights of my life!  If you want to read more about that experience, click here.

At the interview in the recording studio!
Left: John Fuller, Radio Host
Center: Me!
Right:  Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family & Radio Host

photo 2

This verse pretty much sums up the way I feel about the honor of this rebroadcast…

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!

Ephesians 3:20-21


Still need to do some Christmas shopping?
Don’t forget that Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments makes for a great, meaningful gift!

Wednesday 17 December, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Where are your nativity set Wise Men?

True or FalseThe Wise Men were there when Jesus was born.


The Wise Men came from far away.  Following the star, it probably took a couple of years.

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusale and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”  Matthew 2:1-2

Growing up, my mom let me put our nativity set’s wise men on the other side of the room.

My kids always remember this bit of Christmas trivia and I was amused to see how our magnet nativity set appeared on the fridge this year.

It’s kind of hard to tell in this picture, but the wise men are “far away” in the upper left!

wise men- edited2

Those with young children might enjoy the “Wise Men” song.

Tune -Here we go ’round the Mulberry Bush
 Motions -Pretend to carry gifts
The wise men came from far away, far away, far away

The wise men came from far away, bringing gifts to Jesus.

Where are your nativity set’s Wise Men?
Now you and your kids can be OCD like me and itch to move any
that are nestled near the stable with baby Jesus!

Still shopping for Christmas?
Don’t forget to consider
Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.


Monday 15 December, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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8 Creative Ways to Celebrate the True Meaning of Christmas!

Want to get the focus back on the true meaning of Christmas and add more spiritual depth and richness to your family’s celebration of Christmas season? 

Here are 8 creative ways! 
(After scanning through this post, Click here if you wish to quickly scroll through all of these complete blogs at once, rather than clicking each individual blog link below.)

Want a media related teachable moment as you watch the classic White Christmas  with your family this season?
See “Bing Crosby’s yearly reminder to count our blessings!”




Want to help your child gain appreciation for our beloved Christmas carols through learning about their meaning and having fun with a craft?
See “Christmas Carols:  Meaning and Craft”

Want to extend the teachable moments of your Christmas giving opportunities?  Create a special present under your tree to help you remember to pray for the people represented by those donations.
See “The Gifting Gift”
christmas box

Want a meaningful Christmas gift that supports a good cause and that your child will treasure forever?
See “Nativity Set Tradition
Christmas Decorations - '12

Want a resource and fun method for your family’s Advent devotions?
See “Christmas in July”

Want a creative way to help your child see how your family lends a helping hand?
See “Christmas Traditions:  Helping Hand Tree
Christmas Decorations - '12

Want a fun way to help your child learn and interact with Luke 2?
See “Christmas Traditions: Luke 2 Memorization & Scavenger Hunt

Wondering what to do with all those Christmas cards?  Enjoy praying for those people.
See “Christmas Card Prayers

What’s your favorite meaningful Christmas Tradition?
Please Share!

If you need a meaningful Christmas gift,
don’t forget to stock up on
Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.

Monday 8 December, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Need a meaningful Christmas gift? Stock up and check one more thing off your list!

Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments  makes for a meaningful gift! 
(Click on the blue title to go straight to the Amazon Link.)
Stock up now and get one more thing checked off your Christmas list!
Who are the moms, dads, or teachers in your life that would appreciate this great resource?
*Family members
*Pre-school or School teachers
*Sunday School, Awanas, or church choir teachers
*Baby presents – Who just had a baby or is due in the next few months?
*Remember those folks who have birthdays around the holidays, too

Idea for what to write inside along with your personalization
“May God bless you with wisdom as you continue parenting/grand parenting/influencing children with Scripture!”
You can incorporate this into the wording on the inside title page.

Click here to order through Amazon.

gift idea
If you are local, I’m happy to sign them for you!

Stay tuned for next week’s post: 8 Creative Ways to Celebrate the True Meaning of Christmas!

Monday 1 December, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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A Favorite Christmas Family Tradition “How To”: Advent Candles at Home

Happy Thanksgiving!  Celebrate with grateful hearts!
Then, don’t forget that Advent starts this Sunday!

A favorite tradition of my family is to celebrate Advent by lighting our advent wreath during our devotional time each of the Sundays of December, as well as Christmas Day.

What are Advent candles?
If you are unfamiliar with the advent wreath and candles, you can read in more detail about them in this Focus on the Family article.

These are the weekly themes our family follows:
(themed Scripture and Carols further down)

1st Sunday – Light (purple)
2nd Sunday – Peace (purple)
3rd Sunday – Joy (purple)
4th Sunday – Love (pink)
Christmas Day – Christ – (white)

Candle Lighting Song: 
We begin each advent time by lighting the appropriate candle(s) and singing a modified version of Natalie Sleeth’s “Light One Candle.”

For the tune, listen to this sweet children’s choir.  To simplify things, our family only uses the melody during timer 23-38 seconds for each of the weeks.  We simply substitute the themed word for the week.

Lyrics –
“Light one candle for (joy),
one bright candle for (joy),
He brings (joy) to every heart,
He comes! He comes!”

Note: If your kids are like ours, be ready with a system of taking turns for helping light and blow out the candles, lest a holy war break out each time!

Bible Reading and Christmas Carols:
After singing “Light One Candle” and lighting the candle(s), we read a related Bible passage and sing favorite Christmas carols.  I picked these songs because of their references to the theme of the week.  See if your family can find them as you sing.   If you don’t know the words or tunes, they can be easily Googled.

John 8:12
Matthew 5:16


O Little Town of Bethlehem
Do You Hear What I Hear

John 14:27
John 16:33
Silent Night, Holy Night
It Came upon the Midnight Clear

Philippians 4:4
Romans 15:13
Matthew 2:10
Colossians 1:9-14 (Turn this into a prayer for your child(ren).)

Angels We Have Heard on High
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

John 3:16
1 John 4:9-11

O Come, All Ye Faithful
Love Came Down at Christmas

Luke 2:1-20
Young children might enjoy using a nativity set to play out the story while you are reading.
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing
Joy to the World! The Lord is Come





Monday 24 November, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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I want my family to have a contagious thankful hearts, don’t you?!

“Honey, every day is Thanksgiving to me!” 

This is what a sweet older neighbor exclaimed when I asked her what she was doing for Thanksgiving.
She didn’t know yet when her kids or grandkids would be able to come to share a meal, but it mattered not to her!  She is one of those people who exudes the light of the Lord and joy and gratitude in Him!

The cheerful heart has a continual feast.  Proverbs 15:15b

I want to have a contagious heart of joy and gratitude, too, and teach that to my kids!
Don’t you?!

“Thanksgiving is always in our hearts!”
One of my favorite decorations and reminders –
thankful plate 5

For more on the topics of Appreciation and Thanksgiving, see Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.

For more parenting with Scripture Thanksgiving ideas, scroll through these posts.
*Thankfulness Tree
*Grateful Hearts
*Thankful Travel Time
*Thankful Turkey


Monday 17 November, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Do my kids fight & Do I ever feel like a parent fail?

Um yeah, they’re normal kids and I’m a normal mom!

A friend asked me if my kids ever fight.
Then she asked what I do about it. 
I rattled off some techniques that usually work and the conversation moved on.

Then came the HOT DOG FIGHT!
This one may live in infamy.

Fight breaks out over last hot dog after an already rattling day.  Siblings come up with every imaginable argument.  After sitting back 5 minutes and hoping things would work themselves out, mom enters…that would be me.

Mom tries the “I want y’all to sit down and use kind words and nice tones and don’t come back until you’ve worked it out” method.  5 more minutes pass.

Mom tries the “throw in every related Bible verse in the book” method to calm things down.  5 more minutes.

Mom tries the “life’s not fair” speech.  Aaaaand, 5 more minutes.

Mom realizes that 20 minutes of her life has been spent with the unfruitful goal of her children working out a reasonable agreement over a hot dog.  Instead, there are literally tears.
Ridiculous!  NOBODY GETS THE  (tempted to curse here) HOT DOG!

A while later, one kid tries to twist Mom’s words to weasel into getting it!
Mom’s head is in danger of exploding!

Dad comes home and Mom unloads the story.

Dad calls kids into the kitchen where  the table is set with two plates and the hot dog halved on them.

Kids think they are getting to share the hot dog (though they are still fighting about who really should get the whole hot dog)!

Dad says they are going to learn to “honor one another above [them]selves” (Romans 12:10)….

BRILLIANT!  Perfect logical consequence!

Lesson for the defeated me?
Sometimes we parents try every trick in the book and still fail…and you know what?  That’s ok!

This was several months ago and we can all now laugh about it.  And, I did obtain their permission to share this picture and story.  I am very careful to protect my children’s privacy and am conscious that everything I post will be forever “out there.”  Therefore, I try to limit or avoid the posts that could embarrass or undermine my kids.  Please know that we are not a perfect family by any means.  I’m bumbling along in parenting with the rest of you and my kids, husband, and I all make mistakes, do dumb things, etc.  So be encouraged…We’re all in this crazy world together just doing the best we can with our faithful Father’s help!

hot dog

For more Scriptures and ideas from the topic of Self-Centered,
see Parenting with Scripture: a Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.

Aren’t you glad to remember that every family is “normal?”  Whatever “normal” is!  Ha!  🙂 


Monday 10 November, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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