Travel Time – Devotional for Kids Online

If your family is like ours, the hodge podge summer schedule has thrown off many of our routines!   Later nights out and road trips have made it easy for us to neglect our family devotional times that we enjoy so much during the school year.  So, as we were all in the car one evening, I googled “kid devotional online” and came up with a great resource!  The 20 or so audio devotionals that we have enjoyed through their site have been fabulous!
When you click to play, Uncle Charlie reads a Scripture passage (you can pick KJV, NKJV, or NIV) and then tells a story about kids that connects to the verses.  We have found the stories to be very relatable and they have brought up a number of great discussions.  Because we are usually in the car when listening to these, we have the luxury of taking our time to talk about any questions, issues, or similar situations the stories bring to mind. 



Monday 15 July, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Christmas in July!

Since we are half way through the summer and year and not amid the holiday rush, it’s a great time to consider getting the pieces together for an Advent Tree.  


The book we use (click to link to Amazon):

This has been such a blessing to our family!  It’s something we all look forward to during December, and it’s a tradition I know our children will want to continue with their own families.  We made a set with a group a couple of years ago.  This summer, a gal at our church has coordinated another group.  I’m going to make a second set so we can alternate each year and so I’ll have a set to pass along to each of my children. 

There are a several ways to go about making a set.  If you want to do it on your own, you could simply photocopy the pictures from the book we use, have your children color them, laminate them, and turn them into ornaments by hole punching and adding a ribbon or string.  Or, if you are looking for crafty projects this summer, you could make an ornament or two each day.  Another idea is to do a group swap.  It’s a fun way to involve friends and efficiently get it done.  25 people each take a day’s theme and make 25 of the same ornament.  Then, get together and swap ornaments so everyone ends up with a full set.  It’s neat seeing other people’s creativity.

I haven’t reviewed these books to be able to recommend them, but it looks like they’ve made the ornament making a bit easier if you are wanting to make them on your own.  (Click to link to Amazon.)


 Merry Christmas in July!


Monday 8 July, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Happy 4th! Let’s “Shine like stars!”

This week as we are celebrating our nation’s stars and stripes, I thought it would be a good time to share how a mom used a verse about stars in her family.  MOPS Mentor Mom, Kari Roberson, shared this wonderful parenting with Scripture application with me when I spoke in Canton recently…

“When my children were little, we taught lots of Scripture and we also let them see it in action.  One particular week, the children were arguing with each other and with my husband and I, and wwwwwhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnnniiiinnnnnggggggggg!  It was at the end of the week, I was in my quiet time and exhausted asking the Lord to help.  He is always faithful and led me to the verse below.

Phil 2:14-16  NIV
Do everything without grumbling or arguing,  so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life…

I had an inspiration to challenge the children to “shine among them like stars!”  In order to “shine” you must do all things without arguing or complaining about them.   I wrote that whole Scripture on top of a poster board and tacked it on the wall.  I challenged the kids to not only learn the verse, but when I “caught” them shining likes lights for Jesus, they were able to put a star sticker on the poster board.  For every 5 star stickers for that particular child they were able to go to the store with Mom or Dad and purchase a whole soda & a whole candy bar!  (We never let them have these things at home, so that was very special to them.)  I reminded them often as they would come and tell me “good” things they had done, that I had to catch them doing it because it showed character & integrity to do things not for show, but for Jesus.  My kids are all teenagers now, and they still remember this verse and how to shine!”


Monday 1 July, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Teachable Moment – Sin can grow like a weed!

I love hearing stories of what Parenting with Scripture looks like in other families!  My dear friend, Amy Henderson, gave me permission to share this one with you…

“Teachable moment! We’ve seen an increase in tall weeds in nearby pastures and open fields. You know the weeds that grow real tall and have the big round purple pom-like flowers on top? Well, one day my daughter, Allie, (5 years) was talking about those “pretty” flowers. That started a discussion that even though they are a seemingly pretty flowers, they are really weeds.
The weeds wore the flower as a disguise to make it look like they were good. I shared that sins are like weeds that often grow really quickly. They can squeeze out the life around it. We saw that when those weeds grew quickly, they multiplied quickly too and you could no longer see the grass or any of the vegetation underneath them. I said it was important to cut down those weeds before they get out of control because then it becomes increasingly harder to manage them. Similarly, sin can grow out of control if we allow it. When we tell a lie, sometimes we tell another lie to cover the original lie and then the untrue story grows bigger and bigger and out of control and quickly becomes a mess!  That’s why it’s so important for us to confess our sins, choose the truth, and avoid sin. This illustration made such a big impression on Allie that she shared with her brother Mason (9 years) and asked me to tell him about the weeds too. It was a great visual teachable moment and anytime we all see weeds now, we think of sin and it’s impact on our lives.”

Way to “capture” a teachable moment! 

purple weed

Monday 24 June, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Adventures in Odyssey – Audio & Real Life!

Focus on the Family puts out an amazing audio series called Adventures in Odyssey that our family has tremendously enjoyed.  The official website, says, “Created for ages 8-12 (see my note below!) but enjoyed by the whole family, Adventures in Odyssey presents original audio stories brought to life by actors who make you feel like part of the experience. These fictional, character-building dramas are created by an award-winning team that uses storytelling to teach lasting truths. Maybe that’s why over 20 million products have been distributed worldwide.”   Don’t let the target age turn you off.  I don’t know about teens, but my children definitely loved them from probably 4 and up…and still love them now at almost 9 and 11.  Most of episodes are light and fun, but some of them do contain heavier content such as death and divorce.  We only listened to them together in the car when they were younger, so I could be there to skip ahead when needed or discuss the topics they might not have been familiar with.  We have had many excellent teachable moments as a result of the values the stories present.   

If you aren’t familiar with these gems, try downloading a sample from the link on this page –
If you like what you hear, you can download more, listen to the broadcasts on the radio, or purchase cds.

This is a great list of ways to use Adventures in Odyssey with your kids –

AND, if you are ever in Colorado Springs, you can visit Odyssey in REAL-LIFE!  Focus on the Family has done an incredible job of making aspects of Odyssey come to life in their Visitor’s Center. 
Check out this page to learn more about the FREE fun if you are ever passing through or have Colorado Springs as a destination.  The children’s portion of the Visitor’s Center has become a must for us on road trips to Colorado for skiing.  We literally plan our driving around being able to stop and play for a bit…and to get a sweet treat at Whit’s End ice cream parlor!

Did I just inspire a road trip?  Or, maybe you’ll just get so hooked on listening to the stories that you can’t quit driving around!  We’ve been known to make an extra loop or two around the neighborhood to hear more before pulling in! 



Monday 17 June, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Vacationing With Scripture – 2013

Kalli picked our theme verse for this year and it’s always interesting to see the way God uses His Word as we vacation with Scripture. 

Be devoted to one another in love.  Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:10

When, may I ask, do kids quit arguing over where they are going sit in the car?!  Our verse was put to use from the get-go as they verbally battled about who got the larger middle section versus the smaller back section of the SUV.  We had just put our verse card on the dashboard, so after a quick reminder, they finally worked things out. 

On to our hotel room in New Orleans with its two double beds.  Tim and I are used to a King, and the verse popped into my mind that first night when I awoke clinging to the edge of the smaller bed.  He wouldn’t have been upset had I shoved him back over to his side.  However, I realized that letting him continue to sleep uninterrupted would be a way to honor him above myself. 

The most amazing chance we had to use this verse came as the kids and I were walking down Canal Street one morning.  We passed by a young woman, maybe in her early 20s, who was sitting and holding a bowl for money and a sign that said “Pregnant and Homeless.  God Bless.”    My daughter asked if we could give her some money.  I told her that I only had a $10 bill with me and that we might need it while we were out.  As we headed back to our hotel later that morning, we were hot and ready to give our legs a rest after walking everywhere around town.  The kids had seen bicycle cabs and wanted to ride one.  We realized this would be a perfect time to catch one since the sun was blazing and we were worn out.  We weren’t sure $10 would be enough payment to get us to our destination, but I said we could ask.  Just then, we passed by the young lady again.  Once more, my daughter quietly petitioned to share our money with her.  After we were out of earshot, we stopped and I gave the kids a choice.  We only had $10.  We could give it to her or we could use it for the bicycle cab.  They both chose to give it to her!  I watched as my daughter ran the money back to her.  The gal looked amazed and somewhat bewildered at this child giving her money.  Then, she looked around to see who my daughter was with.  When she caught my eye, I gave her a thumbs up to let her know we wanted her to have it.  My heart still aches to remember the touched and grateful look on her face.  If my kids hadn’t been with me, I would have loved to have sat down with her to find out more about her and to give her a hug and some encouragement.  But as my children and I walked on, I told them how proud I was of them for their living example of our vacation verse.  They were sacrificially loving and honoring someone else, a stranger no less, above themselves.  Lest you think this is a picture perfect example, I hasten to tell you that one of my children continued to complain about the heat and walking even after our wonderful “lesson.”  Since I was feeling the same things this child was verbalizing, I reminded all of us to lift that lady up in prayer instead of grumbling or complaining.  Our temporary discomfort on that walk was nothing compared to being homeless!

 I’d love to hear your vacationing with Scripture choices and stories!  Please share!

Now, I’d like to give a special shout-out to a couple of the moms I met at our hotel in New Orleans.  Mrs. Patterson, please remind me of your first name and e-mail me if you have the old copy of my book.  If so, I’ll mail you the updated version.  It was a joy meeting you!  Wish Kentucky were closer so I could come speak!  MOPS are my fave! 
And, dearie Kristen Thatcher…God is amazing in orchestrating our poolside connection, isn’t He?  So thankful for the fast friendship you and I and our kiddos made, and look forward to staying in touch!  Blessings to your sweet family!

VWS verse

Monday 10 June, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Organized Tips & Summer Fun Ideas!

Now that I’ve been blogging ideas about parenting with Scripture for a year and a half, I realized I needed to organize the information for easier access.  On the blog page of my website,, you will see a “Categories” section. Under that, you will find all the topics that I have written about filed in their appropriate places.  I’m hoping that when you need help on a topic, this will be one of your “go-to” resources.  And, you may just enjoy browsing through the list and reading some parenting with Scripture tips you might have missed. 

One of the categories I thought I’d highlight because of the timeliness is the Summer Fun Series I wrote last year.  Look under the topic of “Seasons” and click on “Summer Fun Ideas.”  Or, use this direct link-
As you scroll down, you’ll see ideas for:
*Media with Scripture
*Good Deeds Day
*Playing with Scripture
*Praying with Scripture
*Cooking & Snacking with Scripture
*Singing with Scripture
*Vacationing with Scripture

 Happy Summer! 


Monday 3 June, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Memorial Day- Powerful Story to Create a Teachable Moment

The meaning behind Memorial Day can often get overlooked in the midst of enjoying a day off, BBQing, swimming, etc.

My father-in-law sent this story to me recently and it generated wonderful conversation with my children. 

This would be a wonderful way to spend a moment thanking God for those who have proudly served our country…and “Our Father!”

**Please be aware that it is intense and, depending on the child, most appropriate for upper elementary, middle schoolers, and teens.** –
‘Our Father’ – Praying Like You Have Never Prayed Before by Leo Thorsness


 For teachable moments on a 101 topics, refer to your copy of the easy to use reference, Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.



Monday 27 May, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Teachable Moment – Fear

My daughter takes horse riding lessons and had a scary incident one day.  The horse was spooked and began acting crazy.  In an effort to avoid being thrown off, she purposely and strategically fell off.  Thankfully, she was fine and her nerves were the only thing bruised.   Her teacher and I told her how proud we were of the way she quickly thought through and handled the situation. 

Late that night, when she was supposed to be asleep, I heard a little tap on our door and saw her sweet head peeking in.  I could tell by her face that something was wrong.  She said that every time she closed her eyes to try to go to sleep, she remembered the frightening moments with the horse.   I wasn’t exactly sure what I could say that could help her, but I knew God had some words!  So, I grabbed Parenting with Scripture and looked up “Fear.”  You’d think I’d have remembered that “Fear” was actually categorized under “Courage,” since I wrote the book!  But I didn’t, so thank goodness I also added a cross-reference index for all of us!  Immediately upon glancing down the page, I knew God’s Word would bring comfort. 

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear.  Psalm 46:1-2a

When I am afraid, I will trust in you.  Psalm 56:3

We discussed how she would be able to get back up on a horse the following week by remembering this verse on that same page…

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.  Philippians 4:14

Any my favorite…

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.   Psalm 4:8

What a perfect Word from God to settle her heart and mind as I tucked her back in.  She was able to go right on to sleep that night.  The following week, she got right back up on a horse like a champ!  God’s Word had provided peace and courage all in that one teachable moment.  I’m grateful I was at a loss for words, because God’s were much better than anything I could have come up with!



Monday 20 May, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Finding Sabbath Rest

Do your Sunday mornings look like ours used to? Breakfast for hubby and kids in front of cartoons while I finish getting ready because I’ve slept til the very last minute, a hurry scurry to clean everyone up and scramble out the door, barely making it to church on time (if on time.) Whew! By the time we got in the car we were usually all frazzled and irritable. Not a very reverent or worshipful way to start our Sabbath.

Thus, I was intrigued after hearing Senator Joe Lieberman interviewed several times on the topic of Sabbath rest, relating to his book The Gift of Rest. Though the book is thick with his Jewish tradition, he makes effort to make it applicable for all. Having read his insights, I also now better understand the beauty and blessing behind the ritualism of the Jewish Sabbath. I wanted to incorporate some of the principles, so I appreciate that at the end of each chapter, he gives concrete ideas that anyone can apply to their lives, Jewish, Christian, or neither.

There is much that can be gleaned or applied from his look at honoring the Sabbath, but the main changes our family has made relate to having planned a more calm Sunday morning routine.

My Family’s Sabbath Day Changes –

Timing: First of all, we have committed to being dressed and ready to go and sitting down to breakfast 15 minutes before we need to get ready to head out the door.

Location: I love his suggestion to eat in the dining room. It’s a room we used to only use for bigger family gatherings or holidays. Now, it’s our special place for Sabbath meals, especially breakfast.

Blessing and Verses: We begin our breakfast with blessings similar to the Jewish tradition. Tim lays his hands on the children’s shoulders and says, “May you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself…especially our family.” (Matthew 22:37, 39)

Then he sits down and we say together Lamentations 3:22-23. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

This is followed by –
Parents: God is good,
Children: All the time.
Parents: All the time,
Children: God is good.

Then he asks a short blessing for the food.

Aroma: Senator Lieberman shared how many of the scents of traditional foods lend to setting the scene for their Sabbath. We all know how particular scents trigger feelings within us. How special to have a scent associated with our Sabbath. Instead of the scent being associated with a particular food, we decided upon vanilla scented candles in a beautiful votive holder that we will only use on Sabbath.

On the way to church: We either listen to Christian music or more likely, keep it quiet while we talk. One of us also leads us in a prayer in preparation for the morning at church.

These simple changes have made Sunday mornings such a joy! Now when we head to church, we are already in a calm and worshipful attitude.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” Exodus 20:8 

Monday 13 May, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>
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