Link to my interview with…the Goat Milk Lady! Huh?

I was also confused when her publicist contacted me! 

I thought, “What does Goat Milk Stuff have to do with Parenting with Scripture?!”

It turns out, quite a lot! 

PJ Jonas, Founder and Owner of Goat Milk Stuff, is the mother of 8 homeschooled kids and runs the business with her husband and family.  She has been asked so often about her parenting that she decided to share her wisdom. 
Thus, her creation of Raising Healthy Kids Blog and the Busy Mom Podcast

I loved chatting with PJ as we recorded our conversation for the podcast.  PJ is a master at naturally incorporating Scripture into her family’s daily life and is great at sharing tips on how she does it.  You’ll also enjoy hearing her talk through the Jonas family list of favorite verses.  I’m printing them and adding them to my list of favorites

Take a listen if you want
training, encouragement, or a refresher on parenting with Scripture!

Click here for Part 1 of my Parenting with Scripture interview for the Busy Mom Podcast.

Click here for Part 2 of my Parenting with Scripture interview for the Busy Mom Podcast.

PS – The Goat Milk Stuff products are truly wonderful!  She sent me a number of samples that we are appreciating and I’d like to order some more when we run out!  Love that they are made with natural ingredients!

PPS – Please try to overlook my excessive use of “Absolutely,”  “you know,” and my thicker than usual Texas accent in these podcasts.  I think the “over coffee” style of the interview brought out the less formal chit chat in me!  🙂

The Jonas Family + Goat!

family portrait_level balance_12

To have topical verses at your fingertips when those teachable moments arise, 
order a copy of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.

Monday 21 April, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Order now for Meaningful Mother’s Day & Teacher Presents!

Consider Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments  for the any of the following and stock up now!

* Mother’s Day presents for a grandparent, sister, friend…
*School teacher end-of-the-year presents
*Sunday School, Awanas, Church choir, etc end-of-year appreciation presents. 
*Baby present for a meaningful addition to your gift.  Who’s due in the next few months?
*Friend’s birthday present.  Who are you going to be celebrating in the next few months?

Idea for what to write inside along with your personalization
“May God bless you with wisdom as you continue parenting/grand parenting/influencing children with Scripture!”
 You can incorporate this into the wording on the inside title page.

 gift idea

Important:  The link in the first line and shown with the book picture below are for Amazon.  They do occasionally sell out of my book.  In that event, they usually restock quickly.  However, you can always be sure you’ll have a there will be enough in stock when ordering through my publisher.  If sold out elsewhere, click here to order through Moody Publishers

If you are local, I’m happy to sign them for you!




Friday 18 April, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Holy Week- Jesus and Wii?

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook last year and gave me permission to share. 

This morning we talked about Holy week with my kids. My 6 year is notorious at tuning me out and especially if it has nothing to do with reptiles, Skylanders (a Wii game), or ninjas. My 8 year tried to clear it up by telling him that he had saved up and used his own $ to by my 6 year old a new Skylander and it was at Target. All the 6 year old had to do was go get it.  Mr. 8 year old added, “That’s how it is with Jesus, He already paid for our sins. All you have to do is accept it.”

accept: Consent to receive.

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.  Luke 18:17

For a simple explanation of Salvation, see that topic under your copy of
Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.
What a great week to discuss this topic with your children and even think about it for yourself.
Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?


Monday 14 April, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Easter: 4 Fun Hide & Seek Scripture Eggs Ideas!

Kids young and old enjoy a good hunt, so why not multi-purpose those plastic Easter eggs and incorporate Scripture!  Here are variety of ideas that can be geared up or down depending on the age or ability of your child(ren):

Fill eggs with…

Picture Clue
Fill eggs with nothing, except for one egg that has a picture of something or somewhere in your home.  For example, the picture could be a Googled image of a refrigerator.  When the child finds the egg with the picture, it’s the clue to where you’ve hidden an Easter Bible story book or the Bible with the Easter passage marked to read aloud.  Scroll down for the “copy and paste” fridge picture, ready for your use.


Bible Verse Words

Fill eggs with words from a verse and help them assemble the Scripture after they find the eggs.  Scroll down for the “copy and paste” version, ready for your use.  

verse eggs

Bible Story Sentences
Fill eggs with sentences from the Easter story and help them order the story and read it after finding the eggs. 

Coded Number Clue
Fill eggs with nothing, except for a coded number clue in one egg.  Use a simple code (such as each number corresponding with a letter in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, etc) and write the letters of a number of someone they can call or text (enlist a friend or other extended family member for this) for the next clue.  You’ll have previously instructed that person to text back a Bible verse address.  Then, the kids can look up the verse(s), read what it says, and the family can discuss it.  

Our clue was translated to “Call Aunt Susan!”  I had texted her ahead to tell them “Luke 24.”

code eggs

These ideas could actually be used any time of year with any Scripture or Bible Story!  

Look through your copy of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments
for more topical verses to play with!

Feel free to cut and paste these for your own egg hunt:

The angel said to the women,

“Do not be afraid,

for I know that you are looking for Jesus,

who was crucified.

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.

Come and see the place where he lay.

Matthew 28:5-6

 Happy Scripture Hunting! 




Monday 7 April, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Pet Parenting with Scripture

April Fools! 

Just getting you in the mood for the holiday!

A friend of mine and I were joking about this as a blog theme as we were discussing my crazy doggies.  We have two of our own and often have a foster dog as well.  She and I were being goofy, elaborating on this silly idea for a post when she stopped and made a very valid, more serious comment

She’s a counselor and pointed out that consistency is the key whether we are parenting a dog or a kid.
Quite true!  
Not only must we be consistent in obedience training (if we want them to ever learn…I confess, I’m a total fail at this with our dogs!), but we must be consistent in the way we treat pets and children.

If our children see us treating our pets without respect, they might learn that it’s ok to treat smaller things cruelly.

There’s also a flip side. 
I heard a whole radio talk show where people were calling in saying how they felt their family members loved their dogs more than them.  How sad!  I’m all for loving our pets well, but let us remember to be consistent and put as much (scratch that)…more effort into loving our family well.

 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
1 John 13:34-35

Our two pups, Lacy and Cindy Lou –

Want ideas for parenting with Scripture?
Get a copy of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.

Monday 31 March, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Vacationing with Scripture – Spring Break 2014 Experience

God surprised me this trip in how He used vacationing with Scripture in our lives….well, actually the adults’ lives!  Most of what I do in parenting with Scripture is designed to help teach my kids.  And yet, because God’s Word knows no boundaries of age, I’m often impacted as much or more than my children (which shouldn’t be surprising!).  Such was the case this spring break.

You may remember that a few weeks ago, I shared that my son picked Philippians 4:6-7 as our verse for this trip.  My daughter decorated this card to take along with us as a reminder.  See here about picking a verse and then here and here if you wish to read about our past experiences with vacationing with Scripture.

As we started our 14.5 hour trek from Dallas, TX to Keystone, Colorado, we discussed the verse and how it might apply.  We prayed for travel mercies, health, and safety on the slopes, thanking God as the verse instructs.  But honestly, the verse card sat on the dash and then in our condo, unmentioned for the rest of the week.  It wasn’t until the night before we left that this Scripture became truly alive for me.  We had been watching the weather carefully, knowing that a snowstorm would be hitting our area of the mountains early in the morning.  We decided to leave by 5 AM to try to get out before it started.  I lay in bed that night, unable to sleep, fretting about driving in potentially hazardous conditions.  That’s when Philippians 4:6-7 popped back into my mind.  What a comfort to have a way to work through what we are struggling with through the power of God’s Word!  I followed the instructions in the verse and was able to fall asleep in peace.  I woke up early the next morning and was relieved to see no flurries as I peaked out the window. 

However, as we began descending through the mountain passes in the pre-dawn hours, this was our view out the front windshield. 


During the hour of driving through this on windy, slick roads, I again claimed our vacation verse.  Over and over and over.  It reminded me to be thankful for the snow, as it was the very thing that we drove all the way to Colorado to enjoy!  And enjoy it we had throughout the preceding week. 

13 hours later as we were heading back into the Dallas area, I asked the kids if they had thought about our theme verse at all that week.  Nope.  But, my sister-in-law who was riding with us, and I certainly had!  I shared with the kids my reason to claim the verse and my sister-in-law shared with us a completely different one.  Her daughters (my sweet nieces and my children’s adored older cousins) are both the furthest they’ve ever been away from home and looking for jobs in industries that are a bit precarious.  Turns out, she had been leaning on our trip verse the whole week as she walked through the ups and downs of the job hunt updates with them. 

She and I discussed with the kids how this is a perfect example of why it’s good to hide God’s Word in our heart through memorization…it’s there when we need it!  And, we reminded them that though Mr. 9 year old picked the verse, it was the mommas who needed it this go ’round..reinforcing the point that we don’t outgrow God’s Word!

A few nights later, during our family devotional, I was reminded of our trip verse came up once again.   Our Lenten Tree book reminded us of the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness to turn stones into bread.  I asked the kids if they remembered how Jesus fought back?  His Father’s Words…Scripture!  We can do that, too!  Since my son seems to think and often act as if he lives in an adventure movie, anything related to action appeals to him.  I reminded my kiddos about the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and how the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God!  We can fight with it just like Jesus did! 

Whack!  Whoosh!  Slice!  Jab!  “Take that, worry!  Be gone, anxiety!”  I exclaimed as I wielded my invisible sword representing Philippians 4:6-7.  That’s what it feels like to use Scripture in a real life battle!

When we are faithful to be in His Word, we will surely be blessed by having it on our hearts and minds. 

To find topical Scriptures, don’t forget to look in your copy of
Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.






Monday 24 March, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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St. Patrick’s Day- Teachable Moment for the Trinity

It wasn’t until I read this book to my preschool-aged kids, that I realized St. Patrick used the shamrock (3 leaf clover) to teach the Trinity! 

Way to go, Saint Pat, for creating a great teachable moment illustration we are still using today!   

Before I move on to some crafty hands-on ideas for different ages, I thought I’d mention the following website for those who have older children and teens  who might like to dig deeper into St. Patrick history through media.  I haven’t watched all of these so I can’t vouch for the content, but this link to A&E’s biography site has 6 videos you can watch online about the subject.  One video will start playing immediately.  To see the other options, click on the tiny tab, “watch more videos” under the right side of the video.

If your kiddos enjoy making holiday themed decorations, check out these.  Any shamrock idea here, from Google, or Pinterest would be great to do while discussing the concept of the Trinity. 

For younger children
The kids and I have had fun through the years making shamrock crafts around this holiday to remind us this biblical truth.   Here are samples from through the years that are easily duplicable in your own home with whatever supplies you happen to have on hand. 

st. pats

Handprint Shamrock:
Make green paint handprints for the shamrock, using the side of the hand for the stem.  Once dry, draw heart shaped shamrock outlines around the creation to help define it. 

Coffee Filter Shamrock:
The bottom right shamrock is made from a coffee filter.  It has yellowed over time, but started out green!  Moisten the coffee filter so it will lay flat.  Dab green tempera paint or food coloring on the coffee filter with a Q-tip or small paint brush.  Once try, cut the shamrock shape.

Trinity Shamrock Craft:
The shamrock pictured at the top right is from Oriental Trading Company (my favorite go to place for pre-packaged inexpensive craft kits!) –  Click here to link to this kit.

Color Your Own Trinity Shamrock Cutouts:
Not pictured, but another great Oriental Trading option to stock up on for future years.  Click here to link to this kit.

For upper elementary through adults
Two 5th graders and a 6th grader and I enjoyed working on these shamrock crafts last week over spring break.


Shamrock Garland:
Click here for instructions.

Shamrock Fingerprint Gift Tags:
Click here for instructions.

Bendy Shamrocks:

Click here for instructions.  Scroll down to “Wired Shamrock Trio.”  We used pipe cleaners instead.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 
2 Corinthians 13:14

Monday 17 March, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Teachable Moment: Revering God’s Name

I was sitting downstairs working on my laptop when I heard, “Good Lord!  Good Lord!” yelled several times from one of the four kids upstairs playing Wii. 

Let it go or make the most of that teachable moment?

I couldn’t let that one slide, knowing that the child who said it comes from a strong Christian home…and being full of grace that he really just wasn’t thinking about what he was saying.   Up I went, quickly trying to decide the way to approach the situation.  Not wanting to embarrass the friend or single him out, I decided to get the attention of all of the kids and frame the discussion with questions. 

Me:  Who remembers the first two commandments?
Children 1, 2, and 3 chimed in together: 
Me:  Right!  What are some examples of using God’s name in vain?
Child 1:  Ummmmm…are we allowed to say it outloud?
Me:  Ha, yes…for the purposes of this discussion. 
Child 1:  Oh my God!
Child 3:  Good Lord! 

Even as he said it I could see by his face he realized my point.  He was the same one who had been yelling it out earlier at the video game.  I grinned at him so he would know that I wasn’t there to make him feel bad or lecture him.  I told all of them that I know it’s hard to remember to think before we speak, but that we, as Christians, need to be careful about how we use God’s name. 

Me:  Are you talking to or praising God when you say “Good Lord” while playing a video game. 
All 4:  No.
Me:  What about when you are think you are about to be in a car wreck?  Is that using God’s name in vain or are you really talking to God?
All 4:  Really talking to God. 
Me:  Right! 
Child 1:  Plus, there are other things we can say like, “Holy Guacamole!” 

That ended us all on a good laugh! 

For more Scriptures, discussion points, and take action ideas
see the topic of Cursing and Reverence in your copy of
Parenting with Scripture:  A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments.

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. 
Exodus 20:7



Monday 10 March, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Vacationing with Scripture – Pick a Verse

One of my favorite things about our family trips is the blessings a “trip verse” brings!   Just as the saying goes…
t-shirt – $15
coffee mug – $10
gift shop trinket the kids think they can’t live without – $8
Vacationing with Scripture experiences and memories = Priceless! 

If your family is traveling this spring break (or summer…just mark your calendar to revisit this idea), consider picking your own trip verse.  It’s as easy as you or your kids flipping through your copy of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments and asking God to lead you to the Scripture He wants your family to travel with.

To read what our experiences of vacationing with Scripture have looked like, scroll through these previous posts

Here’s the verse my son picked and daughter decorated for our spring break road trip. 




Monday 3 March, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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Fashion shows after shopping trips help teach modesty

I’ve had my fair share of shopping trips where my daughter and I disagree about what is appropriate.  So, I was thrilled to hear how a friend and her brother learned about modesty from her mom and dad. 

My daddy made me feel like a princess.  He loved me no matter what, and he told me I was beautiful.  He and my mom built on that basic security by teaching me modesty in a unique way. 

It was time for school shopping!  I couldn’t wait to get new clothes!  Even better, I could show them off for Daddy in tonight’s family fashion show!

My dad was a great sport.  He sat through countless fashion shows, some long and some short, over the years.  He ooo-ed  and ahhh-ed and told me I looked cute, fun, and beautiful.  What a great daddy! 

As I got older, my mother explained to me how important modesty is, and when we were shopping, we kept that in mind (and conversation).  If we had any doubts about something in the store, we talked about letting Daddy decide.   A really cool addition to this tradition was that my older brother participated, too.  As we started high school, he gave his opinions as well.  There was mostly brotherly teasing sprinkled with some genuine compliments , but what I remember most is the one or two times that he said, “No.”  I listened to what he had to say as a teenaged boy, and I avoided clothes that might have sent the wrong message.

The beauty of this system was in its positive tone and family unity.  What did my parents accomplish?  

  • I felt loved and beautiful;
  • I became thoughtful about modesty;
  • I developed a habit of seeking advice from the godly men who loved me;
  • I was closer to my daddy and my brother. 
  • My brother was trained to look at clothes critically and seek modest girls to date. 

All this from a fashion show!  I’m so glad my parents were willing to spend the time to teach me and lavish their love upon me!  God blessed me through them.

– Jennifer Santee

Jennifer is a dear friend and neighbor (and mom of 4 boys under 10!) and I’m thankful to her wise parents for the generational impact they are having from making use of those teachable moments!  We have already been blessed by this idea for a couple of shopping trips.  It has made my daughter mindful when making choices that dad and brother will have to “approve” and it takes the heat off of me, co-shopper mom, from being the “nagger!”   Whew!  On the way home from one shopping excursion, I commented that I was glad she made the choice to get the pants a size bigger.  Nine year old brother from the back (who we never think is paying attention, but always is!) quickly added, “Yeah, those other ones were too tight!”   Woohoo!  Little bro is already learning what’s appropriate from his side of the picture.  And, at a more recent visit to the store for swimsuits (heaven help us…literally!), it made all the difference for my daughter in her choices knowing she was going to have to get thumbs up from her daddy and brother.

Hmmm…I just realized I don’t have “Modesty” as a topic in my book, Parenting with Scripture.  However, I think many of the verses and principles from Integrity, Character, Example, Beauty, and others cover the topic in one way or another.




Monday 24 February, 2014  |  Copyright ©2014, Kara Durbin read more>>
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