Archive for January 2018

Helpful Resource & Big Change

Hello, dear readers!

I am writing to let you know about a . . .








Helpful Resource:
All 232 of my posts are categorized on the bar to the right side of the blog page.
I hope you’ll keep this in mind as you look for ideas and helps with parenting through Scripture.
Maybe take a scroll through and familiarize yourself with the variety of topics.

Big Change
Some of you may have noticed that I’ve been tapering off the frequency of posting.  There are a couple of reasons.

The major reason is that we are full fledged into the teenage world at my house and I don’t feel it’s appropriate to air our current teachable moments on social media.  I want my kids to know that my motives for parenting them are sincere, not just for another blog post.  And, I don’t want them to worry that what they are going through will be available for all the world to see.

The second reason is that between the book and the blog, I’m plum out of new ideas…especially since I don’t feel it’s appropriate to write about my current parenting.

Because of this season, I’m not sure how often (or ever?) I will be posting in the future.
But, I couldn’t leave with out a BIG….

THANK YOU for reading my blogs, buying my book, and recommending my book and blog to others!  Please continue to do so!  You are an integral part of helping spread the blessing of ideas for parenting with Scripture to other families!  I am ever grateful for you and pray that our Heavenly Father will bless all our efforts in parenting through His Powerful Word to reach the hearts of our children through our daily lives (Deut. 6:6-7).  To God be the Glory!

With love,

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