Monday 30 April, 2012
This isn’t one specific thing Mom said over and over, but the manner in which she would always bring verbal encouragement to people…
The art of “gushing!”
Mom was a master at going beyond a simple compliment and knowing how to sincerely gush over something. Somehow she knew just the thing to say to make friends, family, and strangers alike feel good. Recently, my niece was reminiscing about how she loved to go show off her new school supplies to her Grandmama (my mom) because she could go on and on like no other about what nice selections were made, how organized everything was, how she loved the colors, etc. Mom managed to carry this out without a hint of superficiality because it truly came from her sweet heart. If Mom noticed a store clerk was kind, she would tell the person specifically what that meant to her or how much she appreciated it. If she noticed beautiful curls on a lady in front of her in line, she’d tell her in such a lovely way that I’m sure the lady was on cloud nine the rest of the day. I can’t say I’m as good at it as Mom was, but I’m trying. When I think of an encouragement or compliment and am tempted to just let the moment pass, I remember Mom’s example and go ahead and start gushing…and am usually blessed by the effort!
To extend this to parenting, I know Mom’s sincere gushing did wonders for my self-esteem and character building.
So in parenting my children, I try to gush about as many positives as often as I can.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Thursday 26 April, 2012
Once again, graphic artist Laura Williams has done an amazing job!
She has designed a beautifully whimsical “Parenting with Scripture” themed wallpaper that is now available for free downloading.
Click on the picture below. Or, go to and look under the “Downloads” tab along the top.
Under the section “Proverbs 31:26 Wallpaper,” you’ll find multiple image size options for downloading.
Sizes include options for different screen resolutions as well as iPhones and iPads.

Monday 23 April, 2012
“Blame it on me!”
When I was dating in high school, there was a boy I wasn’t comfortable with who asked me on a date. It wasn’t an issue of whether the boy was ok to date. He would have been on the “approved” dating list by my parents. I just felt insecure about going out with him. Mom knew that and much to my relief, she gave me the perfect out…”Blame it on me!” Clearly that phrase stuck in my head because it was so meaningful to me. Even though I haven’t had an occassion to use it yet, it’s definitely floating around in my brain ready to go when the need arises!
Thought of anything your mom said to you that you are now saying to your kids? Please share!

Friday 20 April, 2012
Now available for free downloading:
15 Fabulous Verses to Memorize & Fun Scripture Memorization Methods
To find them, go to and click on the tab, “Downloads.” There you can choose what you want to print.
The same information is in the back of the new version of the Parenting with Scripture. However, the downloads have been created so that you can print them for easier reference. I keep the verses posted on my fridge. And thanks to my talented graphic designer, Laura Williams, the downloads look amazing!
In keeping with the subtitle of the book, A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments, I selected these 15 verses as ones that stand out because they are usable for a high frequency of common teachable moments. If you’re needing a place to start for hiding God’s Word in your heart, this is a simple and applicable way.

Monday 16 April, 2012
“Just smile and be nice!”
This one is so helpful in numerous situations for me even now and my kids!
When someone is being really annoying…”Just smile and be nice!”
When you’re having to wait because someone in front of you in line is taking forever…”Just smile and be nice!”
…You get the picture!
Share your “momisms” with us by commenting below!
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful!” Proverbs 15:13

Friday 13 April, 2012
Oh my goodness, that one brings back memories! I’m not known for being the most flexible person so there were innumerable times growing up when I would be circumstantially thrown off the “planned” course for the day and Mom would simply say, “Adapt!” Merriam-Webster’s Student Dictionary defines adapt as “to change so as to fit a new or specific use or situation.” Usually that change needed to happen in my attitude. And so it goes with my kids. When a friend can’t come over as planned…”Adapt!” When it’s raining when we were supposed to go to the park…”Adapt!” Truth be told, I’m saying it as much for my benefit as theirs!
It comforts me to know that in this world of change, there is one thing that will never change…
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Hearing your mom’s words echo in your head? Please share!

Tuesday 10 April, 2012
Our pastor, Buddy Liles, recently shared what they are teaching their five boys to pray at the end of their prayers each night. I love the truths packed in these simple statements…
…And, thank You, God, for Jesus,
Who loves me,
and Who died,
in my place,
on the cross,
for my sins,
He got out of the cave,
and He’s alive!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
They started more simply, but have added more as the boys have grown.
He added, “All of these refinements, adjustments, and repetition of the simple ending of prayers are our intentional efforts to build a rhythm of praying and a reservoir of theology they may not understand fully now but will have as they grow and may draw on some day when they didn’t realize it was there!”

Monday 9 April, 2012
Thanks to all of you who passed shared my links with friends and family!
The winner for this give-away was selected by my publisher from new (since last Monday) followers of the blog/FB/Twitter. And the winner is…
Lori Melton!!!
Hope all of you had a blessed Easter celebrating our Risen Savior!
Tuesday 3 April, 2012
Resurrection Rolls
This fun recipe uses crescent rolls and a disappearing marshmallow to help your child understand the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
~Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
Crescent rolls
Melted butter
Large marshmallows
Give each child a triangle of crescent rolls. The crescent roll represents the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in.
Read Matthew 27:57-61
Give each child a marshmallow. This represents Jesus.
Have him/her dip the marshmallow in melted butter. This represents the oils that were put on Jesus’ body.
Now dip the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon and sugar which represents the spices used to anoint the body.
Then wrap up the coated marshmallow tightly in the crescent roll (not like a typical crescent roll up, but bring the sides up and seal the marshmallow inside.) This represents the wrapping of Jesus’ body after death in cloth.
Place in a 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes. (The oven represents the tomb – pretend like it was three days! You could set a kitchen timer for three minutes and pretend each minute is a day.)
Let the rolls cool slightly. The children can open their rolls (cloth) and discover that Jesus is no longer there, HE IS RISEN!!!! (The marshmallow melts and the crescent roll is puffed up, but empty.)
Now read Matthew 28:5-8
Explain: At the tomb, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary saw an angel, who told them not to be afraid. No one had taken Jesus’ body, but He Had risen from the dead! The angel told the women to go and tell the disciples what they had seen, that Jesus had risen from the dead! They were so excited, they ran all the way to tell the disciples the Good News! He is risen from the dead! Alleluia!
![Spring '10 365[1]](
Monday 2 April, 2012
The first two downloads were pulled from the updated version of Parenting with Scripture: A Topical
Guide for Teachable Moments. Feel free to print these for easier reference.
The first one would be great to post where you can refer to it often.
At my house, that’s the fridge or my desk!
15 Fabulous Verses to Memorize:

Fun Scripture Memory Methods:

Bible Resource List:

Preschool Boredom Busters:

Proverbs 31:26 Wallpaper:1024×768, 1280×800, 1366×768, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1680×1050, 1900×1200, 2560×1440, iPad, iPhone3G(S), iPhone4(S)

2 Timothy 3:16 Wallpaper:1024×768, 1280×800, 1366×768, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1680×1050, 1900×1200, 2560×1440, iPad, iPhone3G(S), iPhone4(S)
Deuteronomy 32:2 Wallpaper:1024×768, 1280×800, 1366×768, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1680×1050, 1900×1200, 2560×1440, iPad, iPhone3G(S), iPhone4(S)